NTS Volunteer Registration Form Page

2025 NTS Volunteer Registration



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Special Skills/Training (please check all that apply) optional

Are you 18 years or older?*

If under 18, A waiver must be completed by a parent or guardian and will be texted or emailed to the parent later.

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Background checks are required for ALL volunteers working the night of the event. Please click the link to complete the information. Individual exemptions are allowed in some circumstances: Law enforcement, current Concealed Weapons Permit, and current Teachers. Please email a copy of your exemption to jill@fbclw.com. 

Background Check options

If you do not qualify in one of the above categories, please click the background check button on the previous page.

I have previously volunteered at FBCLW Night to Shine.*

Volunteer Role Requested*

Buddies accompany and assist their assigned guest throughout the event providing companionship and any assistance they may need. The Buddy sits with their guest during dinner and engages with them. Every guest will be assigned a buddy, so to make this event a success we'll need as many buddies as possible.

It is required that ALL volunteers attend ON-SITE training before our Night to Shine Prom. Volunteers will be required to attend at least ONE meeting prior to the event. This is required by the Tim Tebow Foundation and is very important to go over changes to this year's event. Several dates closer to the event on Feb. 7, 2025, will be  offered.

By signing below, and for the good and valuable consideration of participating in an event

hosted by CHURCH, and sponsored in part by or associated with the Tim Tebow Foundation, I

hereby give my full consent to Tim Tebow Foundation, Inc., (“TTF”) a Georgia nonprofit

corporation headquartered in Florida and CHURCH (“CHURCH”), a STATE nonprofit

corporation, to record, by writing, by video, photographic, or audio recording device, or by

any other analog or digital means, my actions, physical likeness, biographical information,

and/or voice. Additionally, I hereby grant to TTF and CHURCH, without royalty or other

compensation now or in the future, all rights of every kind and character whatsoever, in

perpetuity, in and to any and all such recordings, along with any additional recordings I might

provide to TTF and CHURCH, and to any benefits inuring to TTF and CHURCH as a result of

its use of any of the foregoing recordings. Among other things, TTF and CHURCH may, but

are not required to, copy or reproduce the recording, edit or modify it, incorporate it into

another work, display or broadcast it or any of the foregoing privately or publicly, and use or

license it or any of the foregoing for use by others, all for the sole benefit and at the sole

discretion of TTF and CHURCH, for the advancement of TTF and CHURCH’s exempt

charitable purposes. All permissions granted herein extend to any successor or assign of TTF

and CHURCH and bind me and my heirs, successors, and assigns. I, hereby release and

discharge and agree to hold harmless TTF and CHURCH, its directors, officers, employees,

volunteers, and independent contractors, from any and all claims or damages, including but

not limited to defamation or violation of rights of privacy or publicity, arising from or

associated with the recordings or use of recordings. This release shall be construed,

interpreted and governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, and should any

provision of this release be determined invalid, such invalidity does not affect any of the

remaining provisions. I am of full age and have the right to contract in my own name.


I understand that by signing below, I assume any risk of harm or injury which may occur to the participant due to his/her/my participation in the event or activity. If the participant is a minor, I agree that the minor has my consent to participate in the event. I further provide my consent for First Baptist Church of Lake Wales, to seek emergency treatment for the participant, if necessary. I agree to accept financial responsibility for the costs related to any necessary emergency treatment. I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless First Baptist Church of Lake Wales, for my death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft, or actions of any kind which may hereafter occur to me including my traveling to and from this activity, THE FOLLOWING ENTITIES OR PERSONS: The Tim Tebow Foundation and/or their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, representatives, and agents, and The First Baptist Church of Lake Wales, the activity holders, sponsors, and volunteers. I further acknowledge that the First Baptist Church of Lake Wales and the Tim Tebow Foundation and their directors, officers, volunteers, representatives, and agents are NOT responsible for the errors, omissions, acts, or failures to act of any party or entity conducting a specific activity on their behalf or on the activity premises and herein agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining portions remain in full force and effect.
